Just so busy with my school work. It's my first time at school full-time in years. I am doing really well but I do nothing but homework. The nice thing about it that I love the program and am learning so much.
I have a few new blogs that I had to design for some of my classes. One is a work in progress and will be updated as the semester goes on. It is for Biomechanics http://brennanbehindtheline.blogspot.com/. The other one is for my Drug Use and Abuse class http://drugfreejersey.blogspot.com/. Who knew having a running blog would help me out in school?
I am trying to squeeze in a workout here or there but that is the way it has to be for right now. Looking forward to my break in January. I will be spending most of it at the gym!!
A Big Swim Meet for Charlie
2 hours ago